Data Meetup Template
Author: Purpose: Propose a new data structure | Propose a new API | Propose a change to an existing API | Suggest a data practice Presented on: [complete once presented]
[Background for proposal - include information for the domain. If a change to an existing API, provide a link to the API specification and existing swagger docs. ]
[Describe vision. If a change to an existing API, only provide a link to the API specification vision paragraph unless there is a change in the vision.]
User needs
[List user needs. If a change to existing API, provide a link to the API specification user needs paragraph and only list user needs if they are different to what is recorded in the specification.]
API specification (if a new API, delete if not relevant)
Workshop outcome
[Document the outcome of any conducted workshop relevant to the change. Otherwise leave as “N/A” ]
Proposed API endpoints
[List proposed API endpoints and their purpose.]
Swagger link
[Provide swagger link for each proposed endpoint]
Questions to ask
[Detail any unknowns / any feedback required from the attendees.]
Proposed change (if a change to an API, delete as relevant)
Requires a new API version? Yes / No
Change description
Is the proposed change a new API endpoint? Yes / No
[Provide description. If the change is affecting an existing endpoint(s), include the names and swagger link for those.]
Change details
Proposed API endpoint(s)
[If relevant. Include purpose and swagger link.]
Proposed change to API endpoint
[Provide details of the change]
Meetup outcome
[Document decision of the meetup] Proceed with proposed change | Requires more investigation but no need for additional sign off | Requires more investigation AND needs to be presented at a community of practice again